Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I can't believe she's already a week old. She has grown so much already. I just love watching her discover her world (when she's awake . . . which isn't very often). Even though she spends most of her time asleep she amazes me. She loves the sound of Chris' voice and he can always get her to make the cutest faces.
Here are some pictures (finally) of her first few days in the world.
Happy one week birthday little angel. We love you so very much!!

Monday, March 23, 2009


Brynlee Miller was delivered into the world at 7:53 am on March 18th, 2009 by way of Ceserean section at Intermountain Medical Center (IMC) by Dr. Ronald Larkin and an amazing medical team. She weighed in at 8 lbs 5 ozs and measured 20 inches.
What an experience! It was a little weird to think that on one side of a drape I was completely awake and on the other side my belly was completely open. Chris sat by my head to keep me company and more importantly to keep me calm. He was absolutely amazing! Thank you sweetie for being my hero :)
The minute we heard her cry Chris was able to go with a nurse to clean her off and wrap her up. He brought her over to me so I could see her beautiful face. I couldn't hold her since I was numb but Chris held her by my cheek so I could give her a first kiss. There were tears all around. I have to admit I was a bit loopy from the numbing drugs (they added a shot of morphine for after surgery pain) so I didn't cry as much as I thought I would. I'm usually quite the water works. But I definitely made up for it with happy tears over the following days.

We were able to stay in the hospital for four days. That was just long enough. When the time came to go home we were more than ready. All of our nurses were great and our lactation consultant, Kim, totally rocked. I have never learned so much from one person in such a short amount of time. And not just about nursing. Kim was our nurse as well and she really listened to our questions and concerns. She gave us great advice and shared her experience all the while giving us encouragement and confidence. Thank you Kim. You're a superstar!

Vader, Saba & Spot (pets) have all had very different reactions to Brynlee. Vader is a bit nervous around her. He sniffs at her now and then but mostly stays at a distance. Of course, he's terrified of most everything. He's a bit of a wuss. Saba is very afraid and leery. He does not like to be around her and every time she makes a noise he slinks around looking for an escape. Spot surprised us. He's normally the one who runs and hides at every noise. He has been the one to get the closest and stay the longest with Brynlee. He'll lay on the bed with us and doesn't go running when she babbles. Crying, however, sends them all running for the hills.

All in all we are adjusting to our new life rather well. Even when the nights are rough we manage to make up for it with a good peaceful day. We're on our way and what a journey it will be!

*Pictures coming soon*

Monday, March 16, 2009


Well, it's been decided. "Tater" has her official eviction notice and will be "born" on Wednesday the 18th via C-section. After much deliberation our extremely knowledgeable and talented medical team came to the conclusion that this would be the safest way for her to make her entrance into the world. With all my past medical issues and surgeries it will be safer for me to have an abdominal incision than risk any heavy stress on my other inner workings.
It may take me a while to get around to updating the blog after she arrives with all the adjusting we'll be doing, so be patient if you don't get pics for a while yet. I'll do my best, but our little angel will have all our attention for sure.
Thanks to you all for your love, support and concern. We love y'all!

Friday, March 13, 2009


The question originally was directed at whether or not baby would arrive by her due date. Since we are now officially two days overdue we have redirected the question. Will she, or won't she, come on her own. I am hoping that labor will not have to be induced but our little princess seems to be quite comfortable where she is. I have had no signs of labor but am reaching that "I'm ready to be done with this" phase.
Most people I talk to say I don't "look" ready (small belly, I guess) but I feel ready. I've got the waddle down-pat and the hourly potty breaks are a real nuisance sometimes (like in the middle of the night . . . okay, more like ALL night). We're hoping the doctor has some good news about our progress at our next check-up. Or better yet - here's hoping that we go into labor before that. We are both just very anxious to get our little bundle here healthy and happy.

Carrying high and tight